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90% of Retirees Miss This — And
It’s Why So Many Run Out Of Money... Even When They Felt Prepared

Watch as we REVEAL thIS one critical mistake!

Please Read To See If You Qualify!

To qualify as an accredited investor, you must meet one of these criteria:

1) Net Worth: Your total assets (like savings, 401k or IRA, stocks, or rental properties) add up to over $1 million. The only thing that does not count is the value of your primary home (the home that you live in full-time).

2) Income: You’ve earned at least $200,000 per year for the last two years (or $300,000 total combined income with your spouse or partner), and you expect to make the same or more this year.

* If you’re still uncertain if you qualify, please review the Accredited Investor Examples below.

Accredited Investor Examples

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Meet Janice:


Janice is a 73-year-old retired teacher and widow who spent over 40 years shaping young minds. After a lifetime of smart financial planning, she’s now focused on enjoying her retirement and ensuring her money lasts. Over the years, Janice and her late husband saved diligently. Today, she has the following assets:

1) $50,000 in a Savings Account

2) $790,000 in her husband’s inherited IRA

3) $260,000 in a Brokerage Account

4) Paid-off Rental Property with a $170,000 value

Janice qualifies just from her savings, IRA, and brokerage account totaling a $1.1 million net worth. With her additional rental property, she is well above the minimum qualification to access the GV Bonds opportunity.

Meet Robert:

a retired electrician

Robert is a 68-year-old retired business owner, married to Betty, with 3 kids and 8 grandkids. After decades of hard work, Bob is now enjoying his retirement, spending quality time with his family, and ensuring his money works for him.

Even in his retirement, Bob receives income from the following sources:

1) $40,000 from Social Security

2) $65,000 from his Union Pension

3) $105,000 as an Electrical Consultant

Because Bob’s annual income is over $210,000 per year, he qualifies. Bob is now looking to step away from the consulting role and is interested in exploring GV Bonds to replace that income, allowing him to enjoy his retirement without financial worry.

What About You?

1) Net Worth: When you add up your account totals, do you meet the net worth criteria of over $1 million like Janice does?

2) Income: Do you meet the annual income criteria of at least $200,000 per year like Robert?

Disclaimer: The scenarios above feature fictional characters created solely as examples to help illustrate the criteria for working with GV Bonds. They do not represent actual investors or clients of Grand Vision Bond Partners.


"A Wise Choice for the Next Chapter of Life"

Secured | Fixed | Tax-Refundable

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Disclaimer: Grand Vision Bond Partners LLC (GVBP) offers private securities under SEC Regulation D, Rule 506(c), available only to accredited investors. Investing involves significant risks, including the potential loss of principal, illiquidity, and lack of guarantees. This website provides general information for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. Past performance is not indicative of future results. GVBP is not a registered investment advisor, broker-dealer, or fiduciary, and no information herein should be relied upon as professional advice. For full disclosures, visit https://gvbonds.com/disclaimers.